tips on how to get a girlfriend 2

hello everybody to the second lessons about how to get a girlfriend to read the first lessons visite tips on how to get a girlfriend 1
let's start the lessons of today                                    
                                             1 - ABC’s Of Style & Body Language
Now you have the correct mindset to go out and get a girlfriend. And you have the ability to be confident for the simple fact that you have the ability to be honest, so you are already confident now. And thirdly, you  know exactly what she needs and how to give it to her. So now, it's time to prepare yourself to actually go out and get her.

Body language and style are very important for one simple reason. 93% of our communication is non‑verbal. What this means is that the words we say only account for 7% of what we are communicating. The other 93% is our body language and our tone of voice. know, I will teach you the basics of body language and style that women find attractive.

So, let's start with style. It is important to take care of your body. You need to stay healthy. You don't need to have six‑pack abs or huge muscles, but it is important that when people look at you, they do not see a slob. They see someone who takes care of himself. Exercise regularly. Eat healthy food. Look your best. It's not about having a perfect body, but it is about making the best with what you have. First impressions are very important, so you want to make sure that you make the best first impression that you possibly can.

Style, clothes and accessories: Women judge you on how you dress. Make sure that your clothes fit your body. Loose clothing is not generally attractive, unless it's a particular style such as if you're a rapper, then it's fine. But if you're not a rapper, and you have an oversized shirt and your pants don't really fit you either, and if you have old sneakers or boots that you should have thrown away three years ago, then those are blocking you from attracting women. Try your best to have new clothes, keep your clothes clean and well
fitting to your body.
Shoes are another important thing. Keep your shoes clean. Women judge a lot by a man's shoes. If you have nice shoes but they're filthy, she will think that you're a slob in your life. So keep your shoes clean. Keep all body hairs trimmed and short. Make sure you always smell good and are clean as well. Women have a more sensitive sense of smell than men, so make sure that you always smell good.

So, those are just the basics of style‑ Dress in clean clothes, keep your body clean, keep your body hairs trimmed, exercise regularly, try to eat healthy, and just make the best of what you have. Women will
appreciate you for it.

The next important aspect of attraction is body language.

 Body language comes down to your tone of voice and the way you hold yourself.

Basically, when you completely accept yourself and like yourself, then all your body language will automatically be on cue; you will come across as congruent.

Remember: just be honest, transparent and go for what you want; it’s that simple.

 Do that and you will appear confident to everyone.

 When you accept yourself; others have no choice but to accept you.

 Once you adopt these mindsets and style habits, people will perceive you as more attractive and more confident. Once you have this style and body language done, you will see that women will be attracted to you before you even say a single word. Remember, body language accounts for 93 % of communication, so do not neglect it. It is much more important than the simple words you say when you talk to the girl you like.

                                       5 - How To Stay Out Of The Friend Zone

A lot of men make the mistake of not expressing their interest in a woman and ending up in the friend zone. If you do not somehow communicate to the woman that you are interested in her, then she is going to think you are just being friendly. And then she will slot you in the
friend zone.

The friend zone is somewhere you want to avoid at all costs, because once a woman puts you into the friend zone, it is almost impossible for you to get out. A good way to prevent this from happening is by giving her a genuine compliment .

A woman will understand that you are not just talking to her because you want to be friends with her but because you are interested in something more intimate. It is critical that you set the frame of the relationship very early on. By complimenting her early on, you are setting the frame that this is a romantic interaction and not just an innocent friendly exchange.

So, by giving her a compliment you are keeping yourself out of the friend zone and you are also letting her know that this is a romantic interaction and not just a platonic one. Don't be afraid to compliment a woman. Don’t be afraid to flirt with women. WOMAN LOVE TO BE COMPLIMENTED and flirted with!

The beauty industry is a multi‑billion dollar industry. It is therefore a reason because women love to look good, and women long to be appreciated. Think of women as flowers and you the warm sun. Flowers need the warm rays of the sun to shine upon them in order for the flowers to blossom.

Women need the heat of your genuine appreciation in order for their souls to blossom. I never get a bad reaction when I compliment a woman. Giving a woman a genuine compliment, especially at a time when she doesn't expect it, makes her open up to you in ways that are astounding. Women long, yearn and need your appreciation and your compliments. So do not be afraid to give them.

A good way to compliment a woman is to compliment her on something very specific. You can compliment her on the way she speaks, the way her eyes sparkle, the way her dress complements her body so well. You can compliment the way she moves, the way she walks.

You can compliment her on the way she smells, her beautiful smile, the sparkle in her eye. The more genuine and specific your compliment is, the better it will be received. Women receive thousands of compliments during their lifetimes, but most of those compliments are superficial and general.

A beautiful woman has heard 'Oh my God, you are so beautiful' a thousand times. But it is the rare man who will point out the specifics of what makes her so attractive that will sweep her off her feet. So be specific in your compliments and you will see that they have such a huge impact in regards to opening up women to you.

Another advantage of giving women compliments is this‑ When you give a woman a compliment, you are putting yourself out there. You are putting your ego on the line and she recognizes this fully. Women appreciate men who are brave and confident enough to speak their minds. By complimenting her in a genuine way, you are being honest. And honesty lets her feel safe, and when she is safe, she opens up emotionally and when she has opened up emotionally she is ready to be attracted to you.

By complimenting women regularly, you are setting yourself apart from over 95% of the men out there who just give general thoughtless compliments. The time to give a woman a compliment is as soon as possible. If you start talking to a woman, you can compliment her within the first five seconds of talking to her.

If you prepare a compliment at home and then go and try to use it on a woman, chances are it won't be nearly as impactful as if you just speak your mind at the moment.

Exercise: Make complimenting people, a habit. From now on, whenever you are in the supermarket, on the street, at school or at work or wherever, anytime you see something that you admire in another person, make it a point to compliment them. Make it in a very casual, matter of fact way and just make it a habit to appreciate people.

I have personally adopted this habit and still practice it today. Every time I see a beautiful woman, I compliment her. Every time I see a person I admire, I compliment them. I compliment men, I compliment women, I compliment anyone who deserves a compliment.

Do not hold compliments back; because once it becomes a habit, then it comes out a lot more genuinely when you need it most. So the next time you meet the woman of your dreams that compliment will just flow off your tongue and she will just love you for it.

A compliment shows your intention with a woman. Make sure you include it in your repertoire of tools. If you do not express explicit interest in a woman, she might slot you in a friend zone and the friend zone is usually a life sentence. So stay away from it at all costs!

                                        7 - How to Keep The Conversation Flowing

Okay, so now that you've complimented her and she has responded positively, you know that she might be interested.

If a woman receives your compliment in a negative way, then chances are she's not interested in you. And you should probably cut your losses and move on to the next girl. But provided that she is responding to you
positively so far, it is time to continue the conversation forward.

Keeping a conversation flowing was my biggest fear when it came to women. Growing up I was very shy, insecure and quiet. I will tell you now in all honesty that I am a very quiet person. Even when I'm with my closest friends I tend not to talk very much. So keeping a conversation flowing was my biggest fear when it came to seducing women.

In this chapter we are going to learn how to keep the conversation flowing easily and effortlessly so that both of you may be relaxed and enjoy the process. First, let's put down some guidelines for your conversation.

When you're talking to the girl you like, you must keep the conversation lighthearted and playful. Do not talk about anything negative. You want her to associate you with feeling good, not feeling bad. So make sure most of your conversations with the girl you're interested in are lighthearted, playful, and fun.

The more you guys can laugh together the more successful your seduction will be. But if you're not naturally that funny, I know I'm not that funny, then don't worry. Being funny is not a prerequisite to successfully attracting a girl. All you need to do is be positive, lighthearted, playful, and a bit flirtatious.

Next we will explore how to stay lighthearted, playful and flirtatious. The foundation of any enjoyable conversation is that both people are present in the moment with each other. I would like you to think about an instance when you were with your best friends. And you were all chilling out on the couch, enjoying each other's company, laughing and having a great time.

Notice that at that time your body was relaxed, and you were not all up in your head thinking about, "What am I going to say next?" You were just in the moment, spontaneous, and allowing every moment to unfold as it does naturally.

What makes men turn serious when they're talking to attractive women is this: when you go up in your head and start thinking about and planning what you're going to say next, what happens is you get sucked into your head. If you are up in your head thinking about what you're going to say next, then you have lost the present moment.

You are no longer there, present with her. You have left. Your body is there physically, but mentally you're not there anymore. This is a very big mistake that most men make. And it is a deadly one, because if a woman you are talking to feels like you're not present with her, she will disconnect from you. She will not feel you anymore. And if she cannot feel you anymore then she's not going to feel attracted to you.

When talking to a woman you need to keep the connection between you and her solid. And you do this by being completely present in the moment with her, and staying out of your head. Thinking is highly overrated. The truth of the matter is you do not ever have to think about what you are going to say next.

When you're present you hear what the other person is saying more, and most importantly you stay connected with the woman. The best way to keep a conversation comfortable and flowing with a woman is to stay completely present with her.

The idea is to have so much attention focused on her that you completely forget about yourself. Focus on how deep she is breathing, how fast or slow she is breathing. Are her eyes and pupils dilating? Is she playing with her hair? What is her body language? Is she touching herself in any way? Is she fixing her dress?
When you put that much attention on a woman she cannot help but be seduced by you. Because it is the rare man who gives her such undivided and genuine attention.

The way into a woman's heart is by being fully present and witness to her. When she feels you present with her, then she feels you, and is connected to you, and trusts you, and is open to starting some kind of intimate
relationship with you.

Remember, women need to feel safe. When you're all up in your head talking to her and you're not present with her, she can feel that. She can see that you're distracted. This makes her nervous. This makes her feel like you're hiding something. So this makes her close down because her need for safety is not being met.
Conversely you can be completely present with her, and make her feel safe and connected with you.

You must have faith. It comes down to science. Our logical mind is not where the creativity happens. Our creativity happens in our subconscious mind. And the prerequisite for creativity is full in‑the‑moment presence; is a silent mind. So you have no choice but to be present with women, because that's what it takes to connect with them, and that's what it takes to get your creativity flowing. Anything else will not work.

Exercise. Go out and practice full presence in all of your communications with people. See how long you can stay connected and present with someone without thinking of what you're going to say next. This is  hallenging at first, but quickly becomes a habit.

The more present you can stay with a woman the easier it will be to attract and seduce her. Men who truly are present with women and truly connect and listen to women are few and far between. By being that man you are literally separating yourself from the millions of men out here. Go out, practice and make this a habit.

find more lessons and tutorial at how to get a girlfriend
Ditulis oleh: Unknown - Friday, January 3, 2014

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