tips on how to get a girlfriend 3

                                        7 - The Secrets Of Flirting Revealed

Now that she has responded positively to your compliment, and you are having a conversation that has an easy natural flow to it, where you are being playful and lighthearted, it is time that you flirt with her a bit. Flirting is basically playful conversation and playful teasing that has a sexual undertone to it.

When men are attracted to a woman, they make the mistake of being too nice to her. This does not work. If you are interested in a woman, and you are being so nice to her, she is just going to think you just want to be friends. It is not going to arouse any kind of emotional response in her.

Remember! WOMEN ARE HIGHLY EMOTIONAL CREATURES. They love drama; they love the ups and downs of emotions. When you are talking to her, you want her to feel a roller-coaster of emotions. 

If your conversation is monotonous, bland and just nice, then she is not going to walk away thinking about you at all. You need to make yourself memorable in her mind, and you do this by playfully teasing her, whichs is the same as saying flirting with her. Flirting is simply playful teasing with a sexual undertone.

Flirting can happen at the verbal level, with words and at the non‑verbal level using body language. Some verbal examples of flirting could include things such as 'Wow you are really special. Did you go to the school in the short bus?' 'Oh my God, you are so cute, I just want to take you home and make you my pet ; )'.

 You can also use playful, joking, disapproval to tease her such as 'Oh my God, I can't believe you just said that. That's it; I think we need to break up. I want all my CDs back.' 'Oh my God, you live in xyz part of town? Oh I am sorry. I totally can't hang out with you. You are too much a nerd for me.' 'Oh you like xyz movie. Oh, that's it. I am sorry, I think we have to stop this conversation, I know. Have a nice life.'

These are all examples of playful flirting, playful teasing. Notice, they are in no way, shape or form, hurtful or offensive to her. You are not trying to offend her, or hurt her in any way. You are not trying to hurt her  self‑esteem in any way. Flirting is done in a way that is very obvious that you are joking.

From time to time, a woman will misunderstand you and take offense to what you say. If that happens, you can simply apologize and genuinely tell her that you didn't mean to hurt her feelings and that you were just joking around. When a woman sees that you generally didn't mean to hurt her feelings, her ego, her self‑esteem, she will easily forget about it.

But remember, teasing is playful and not made to hurt anyone. So don't make it too personal and keep it very fun, playful and light. The way you can flirt with a girl non‑verbally is through your body language. You can look at a girl in a way that is slightly sexual but at the same time playful and lighthearted. You do not want to look at her like you are looking at a piece of steak that you want to jump on and devour.

One thing that really excites woman is emotions; is touch. If you are in an appropriate environment to touch her, then do so as much as possible. When I say touch her, I mean touching her in non‑sexual areas of her body first.

Take her hand; touch her elbow, her shoulder, her forearm, the small of her back. Give her a touch here and there. Let her know that you are not afraid to touch her. When we speak to someone and we touch them simultaneously, it impacts them on a much more emotional level.

Remember, you want to be emotionally impactful in order for a woman to be attracted to you and to  remember you and to think about you when you walk away. Also, you want to show her that you are not just a potential friend, that you are interested in her romantically.

If a woman accepts your compliments cheerfully, and sits there and has a conversation with you, and  playfully teases you back and forth and flirts with you, then that's a pretty big sign that she may be interested in you.

Remember! WOMEN ARE VERY EMOTIONAL CREATURES. You want to create a roller-coaster of emotions when you talk to them. Playfully teaseat any opportunity that arises. Don't be afraid to tease. The last thing a woman wants is some boring guy to just be nice to her. Everyone is nice to her. Be different!

Exercise: When you go out and have conversations with women, or even with men, make an effort to see how much you can playfully tease with them. Make it a habit of not taking your conversations and interactions with people so seriously. Don't take yourself or other people too seriously.

See how much playful banter you can throw back and forth between you and another person. Flirting is a skill that will be developed over time and practice. So practice at every chance you get. Just because you are not seducing a specific woman, you can still tease her playfully, just to get your practice going.

Remember, the more you practice something, the better you get at it. So, once a woman you’re attracted to shows up in front of you, you'll be ready to tease her playfully, and flirt with her and make her feel that emotional rollercoaster that will have her absolutely loving your company.

The main thing to learn about flirting is this. Flirting is a playful, lighthearted activity. It is meant to be fun for both people. So have fun with it. Women love a man with a sense of humor. And when you flirt with a
woman, you are demonstrating to her that you have a great personality.

                                                             8 - How To Ask Her Out

Now that you've successfully walked up to her and had a playful, entertaining conversation with her, it is time to ask her out. Do not wait too long to do this. Hesitation is the enemy of seduction. The more quickly you
act, the higher your success rate will be with women. The man who hesitates often loses many opportunities that would have otherwise been there for him.  So if you have had a great conversation with a girl, and she is smiling and enjoying your company, it is time to ask her out. Don't delay. Don't procrastinate.

Many men make the mistake of believing that they could do it later. But this is the biggest mistake you can make. Remember, women are highly emotional creatures. Women are also very impulsive and in the moment
creatures. Just because a woman is laughing and having a great time with you now, it does not mean that she'll be in that same mood the next time you see her.

The way a woman is feeling in the moment will determine her response to you. If you believe that you can have a wonderful conversation with a woman today and then wait one week and then ask her out, seven days later, what you are doing is putting a huge, unnecessary risk on yourself.

Seven days later she might have her period, something bad might have happened to her, she might be tired, or she might have forgotten about your great conversation altogether. And then when you ask her out, it's going to be incongruent, it's going to seem like it's coming out of the blue. And it just probably won't work, where the chances are a lot less likely.

You need to ask a woman out when the flirtation is fresh in her mind. The best time to do it is always now. The sooner you ask a woman out the better. This is of course a generalization, but it is generally true.
So now that you've been having a wonderful conversation it's time to ask her out.

When you get to this stage remember the following:

The outcome is not important. All that matters is the action. All you have control over in life is your actions. The outcome is outside of your control. To worry about something that is outside of your control is insanity.

All you have to do is take the action and then get a response. There is no magic formula other than this. As long as you do the action, you are a winner.


Because the only thing you control is your actions.

Take enough actions and you will eventually get the outcome you want. It’s that simple

Here’s a tip:

Instead of asking a woman a question, "Would you go out with me?" what
you're going to do is you're going to offer her an invitation.

Instead of saying to a girl, "Would you go out with me for dinner next Friday?" you can say, "I am going out next Friday for dinner. You should join me."

You are demonstrating that you are a cool guy and that you have things going on in your life; you are just inviting her to join your fun life.

It shows that you are not dependent on her for your happiness. And women love to see that in a man.

Exercise. Make it a habit to invite people to activities that you are already going to do. Once you make this a habit, it will come across a lot more naturally when you're saying it to the woman who you're interested in.
Remember, all you're doing is saying, "I'm going to XYZ place on this day.

You should come. It would be fun." That's all you're doing, is inviting them. It's casual, it's low pressure, and it's no problem if they say no.

If a woman tells you that she would love to come, but she's busy on that day, you can just casually say, "OK, no problem, let's just keep in touch and we can hang out some other time. What's the best way to contact you?" Then she will either give you her number, or her Facebook, or whatever method that she finds best for her.
                          9 - How To Use Facebook & Texting To Get Her On A Date With You

Usually if a woman is interested in you she will either give you her phone number or her Facebook. If a woman ever says "It's OK, I'll just take your number" then don't do it. She is not interested. If a woman is unwilling to give you her phone number or her Facebook that usually means she is not interested in pursuing a relationship with you.

So now that you have her Facebook or her phone number or both you can start to communicate with her. There is no rule of how long you need to wait before talking to her. If she gave you her number then you can text her very soon after.

The basic rules are as follows:

Once you get her contact information stay cool and don’t act too needy. Don’t be the guy who’s calling her 10 times a day and stalking her on Facebook ;) Be chill.

Texting and Facebook messaging: Keep your texts and your Facebook messages brief. Keep them playful.

If a woman smells any kind of desperation in your communication she will run the opposite way, so lean back, relax. Stay casual. Stay playful. Flirt. Remember there are millions of hot women out there, so maintain an abundance mentality at all times.

it's all for today visite how to get a girlfriend for more tips 

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Ditulis oleh: Unknown - Saturday, January 4, 2014

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